Miscellaneous, volume 3

Invisible Man timeInvisible Man timewith Jill, 1950'sMay 1993in the army in ghanaduring Robbery Under Armsat the premiere of Stars with JillPhilanthropistCamelotCamelotThe Star, 9/30/03Camelotduring the filming of "Beethoven"Lucky/ChancesCBS NCIS party 1-04Julius Caesar time 2000Julius Caesar time 2000article about NCIS in USA Today, Jan. 20052005Bellisarious 2004 star ceremonyBellisarious 2004 star ceremonyafiplecture, May 2005afip lecture, may 2005Tavern on the Green, NYC, May 2003May 2003From UK SciFi special, talkiing about Sapphire and SteelTV Week 6-06With Eartha Kitt at the Disney party for The ReplacementsWith Eartha Kitt at the Disney party for The ReplacementsWith Nancy Cartwright at the Disney party for The Replacementscbs press tour 7-06cbs press tour 7-06cbs press tour 7-06on the set of NCIS with fan Lisa Nov. 2006on the set of NCIS with fan Lisa Nov. 2006Cinema Retro 1/07midsummers night dream, as Oberon, 1950shooting the extras for MFU on DVDshooting the extras for MFU on DVDrecording for "Replacements" 11-07juror appreciation day 2002summer 2006summer 2006with actor joe sirola 2009RV's birthday 11-22-09RV's birthday 11-22-09RV's birthday 11-22-09RV's birthday 11-22-09